Julius Streicher in Voelkischer Beobachter Julius Streicher in Voelkischer Beobachter Source: South German Edition of the Voelkischer Beobachter 46 (No. 90), Munich Friday, 31 March 1933. The same Jew who plunged the German people into the blood-letting of the World War, and who committed the crime of the November Revolution against it, is now engaged in stabbing Germany, recovering from its shame and misery, in the back. It is to be accomplished by the same methods with which World Jewry [ Alljuda ] committed the crime of the World War. The Jew is again engaged in poisoning public opinion. World Jewry is engaged again in slandering the German people as a people of Huns and barbarians. For weeks the Jewish press in France, England, America and Poland spread its lies to the world that the eyes of Communists detained in Germany are being gouged out, that protective-custody prisoners [ Schutzhaeftlinge ] are being tortured to death and that Jewish pogroms are carried out. And again the Jew stirs up the foreign nations, who are thus deceived and cheated, against Germany. And in order that awakening Germany, the Germany of Adolf Hitler, should collapse at the very start, the racial comrades of the Jews who live in Germany conduct a shameless boycott campaign abroad against German products. Do not buy German merchandise!' yells the Jewish press-clique to the world. And: Judah declares war against Germany.'